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How often should I wash my dog?

Playing with bubbles was always a fun childhood pastime. Those little mounds of sudsy happiness that reflected rainbows and floated magically always seemed to capture happiness and fun. It was like a dream. But have you ever experienced this same scenario as an adult? Perhaps while washing your car or dog? Cleaning up after the suds is something kids didn’t have to experience, but grown ups do. And it’s more like a nightmare than a dream. Especially if the task at hand is washing an overly excited or terrified dog in the laundry sink or bath. That post-wash shake is like a tornado of hair, and every single surface gets covered (but mostly you). Then the towel dry inevitably reveals an area of the dog that is still soapy and you question the energy you have to get the dog back into the tub for a second rinse. As productive as you feel for washing your own dog, the clean up will always be the worst part.

So why not call Pulse Dog Washing & Grooming for an easy, thorough and mess-free groom for your best bud? You’ll find that the ease and reliability of mobile dog washing to be a worthwhile time-saver, and you can schedule your appointments for as often as you like. Pulse Dog Washing & Grooming are happy to deal with the post-wash shake, and are even available for a dog walk if you are struggling to find the time! Call Pulse Dog Washing & Grooming on Online Quote to speak to a trained professional today.

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